Hump day hot takes: Let’s get serious about the Rio Olympics, NFL Training Camp is dumb and the Eli Defense

Editor’s Note: I pretty much hijacked Tim’s blog and made the bottom third into an Eli Manning defense. Being the fearless  supreme leader has its perks

It’s officially August, which means summer is starting to wind down (where did it go?) and the fall/winter sports seasons are starting their transitions into preparation mode. Oh, and the Rio Olympics are starting soon too. Don’t worry I’ll hit on that very soon. I’m jumping right in on my hot takes this week, so let’s go for it. I didn’t post one last week since our fearless leader/editor was on vacation, so you have my latest column from two weeks ago to enjoy before jumping in.

Continue reading Hump day hot takes: Let’s get serious about the Rio Olympics, NFL Training Camp is dumb and the Eli Defense

Monday Morning Update: August 1—the all-Baseball edition

It’s real, and it’s fantastic
Continue reading Monday Morning Update: August 1—the all-Baseball edition