Hump day hot takes: Screw Jim Boeheim, time to consider Brad Marchand as MVP & more

A good old-fashioned asshole like Jim Boeheim has to eat his words and a little ball of hate asshole is making critics eat their words.  Continue reading Hump day hot takes: Screw Jim Boeheim, time to consider Brad Marchand as MVP & more

Monday Morning Update: March 6, 2017

College sports take center stage, Boogie is lost in the Bayou, and the Islanders add from within Continue reading Monday Morning Update: March 6, 2017

Monday Morning Update: January 2, 2017

Isaiah Thomas and James Harden go crazy, Jaro goes to Bridgeport, and the Giants go to Green Bay

Continue reading Monday Morning Update: January 2, 2017

The Monday Morning (Afternoon) Update: September 26, 2016


USA Hockey goes quietly into the good night, the Red Sox can’t lose, and the Giants are back to their old ways
Continue reading The Monday Morning (Afternoon) Update: September 26, 2016

Hump day hot takes: The New England Patriots winning was a huge surprise, don’t hate the World Cup of Hockey and more

Five hot takes from around the world of sports that will get your head scratching. 

Continue reading Hump day hot takes: The New England Patriots winning was a huge surprise, don’t hate the World Cup of Hockey and more

Hump day hot takes: NFL’s take on domestic abuse hasn’t changed, MLB pitchers need to suck it up and more

It’s August, and MLB pitchers like Stephen Strasburg and Eduardo Rodriguez need to sack up with their “injuries.” And the NFL makes yet another disgusting move. I’m not shocked.  Continue reading Hump day hot takes: NFL’s take on domestic abuse hasn’t changed, MLB pitchers need to suck it up and more

Hump day hot takes: Alex Rodriguez should sign with another team, Lily King is awesome at taunting and more

Sitting four home runs shy of 700, Alex Rodriguez should sign elsewhere and reach the milestone before officially retiring

Continue reading Hump day hot takes: Alex Rodriguez should sign with another team, Lily King is awesome at taunting and more

Hump Day Hot Takes: USA Soccer Messis itself, LeBron James will stay in Cleveland

Fire up the hot take machine

Continue reading Hump Day Hot Takes: USA Soccer Messis itself, LeBron James will stay in Cleveland