Hump day hot takes: World Series Game 7 is what I needed, NHL rookies steal the show & more

Whoever loses the World Series, in Game 7, will have to live with it for a long, long time. Give me the tears!

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Bets, Beers, and Babes

Our loving degenerate Tom Dragani is back, with his weekly smorgasbord of things relating to beers, bets and babes, as so eloquently titled by him. Check it out. 

Continue reading Bets, Beers, and Babes

Hump day hot takes: Give me torture in the World Series, the NFL does it again with Josh Brown & more

Two time-honored traditions. The Fall Classic, and the classic mismanagement of social issues by the NFL in the fall. Ah, what a lovely time of year. 
Continue reading Hump day hot takes: Give me torture in the World Series, the NFL does it again with Josh Brown & more

The Monday Morning Update: October 23

An Islander scores his first goal; the NBA gets ready to shine; and the Giants manage to ruin a two-game winning streak

Continue reading The Monday Morning Update: October 23

Hump day hot takes: The on-field NFL product is awful, good for Toronto fans for jeering Trevor Bauer and more

There’s a hot take storm coming. Get your popcorn ready.

Continue reading Hump day hot takes: The on-field NFL product is awful, good for Toronto fans for jeering Trevor Bauer and more

Hump day hot takes: David Price’s attitude bothers me more than his playoff failures, Tony Romo can’t start for the Cowboys & more

I’m angry about the Red Sox and concerned about the Bruins. It’s an emotional time right now… Continue reading Hump day hot takes: David Price’s attitude bothers me more than his playoff failures, Tony Romo can’t start for the Cowboys & more

Monday Morning Update: October 10, 2016

Andrew Miller earns his permanent pinstripes, all my football teams stink , and the NHL season cometh

Continue reading Monday Morning Update: October 10, 2016