Hump day hot takes: Give me torture in the World Series, the NFL does it again with Josh Brown & more

Two time-honored traditions. The Fall Classic, and the classic mismanagement of social issues by the NFL in the fall. Ah, what a lovely time of year. 
Continue reading Hump day hot takes: Give me torture in the World Series, the NFL does it again with Josh Brown & more

The Monday Morning Update: October 23

An Islander scores his first goal; the NBA gets ready to shine; and the Giants manage to ruin a two-game winning streak

Continue reading The Monday Morning Update: October 23

Hump day hot takes: NFL’s take on domestic abuse hasn’t changed, MLB pitchers need to suck it up and more

It’s August, and MLB pitchers like Stephen Strasburg and Eduardo Rodriguez need to sack up with their “injuries.” And the NFL makes yet another disgusting move. I’m not shocked.  Continue reading Hump day hot takes: NFL’s take on domestic abuse hasn’t changed, MLB pitchers need to suck it up and more