Hump day hot takes: Defending Draymond Green, Dallas Cowboys lose a golden opportunity and more

Is it really almost the end of the NFL season? Better get in my football takes before the calendar turns to February.  Continue reading Hump day hot takes: Defending Draymond Green, Dallas Cowboys lose a golden opportunity and more

Monday Morning Update: January 16, 2017

Justin Thomas has a Tinder date with destiny, John Tavares deserves better and the NFL is down to four. Continue reading Monday Morning Update: January 16, 2017

Monday Morning Update: November 21

The Islanders tailspin hits bottom; James Harden reaches his final form’ and Landon Collins wins a windy one

Continue reading Monday Morning Update: November 21

The Bets, the Beers, and the Better Brother?

This week, we’re trying to recover from poor prognostications last week. I have some more prop bets, a Six-Pack Selection, and I’m giving the dopey Manning brother some reluctant kudos.

Continue reading The Bets, the Beers, and the Better Brother?

Hump day hot takes: David Price’s attitude bothers me more than his playoff failures, Tony Romo can’t start for the Cowboys & more

I’m angry about the Red Sox and concerned about the Bruins. It’s an emotional time right now… Continue reading Hump day hot takes: David Price’s attitude bothers me more than his playoff failures, Tony Romo can’t start for the Cowboys & more