Chin Music Podcast Announcement!

It. Is. Alive.

Finally, the name of this blog begins to make sense. It’s been a lot of fun writing here so far (check Saturday, Monday and Tuesday’s posts  if you  haven’t already) but I’m glad to finally move forward with the idea that started all of this, the Chin Music Podcast.

Long story short, it’s a  show that hopes to examine the areas where music and sports intersect, and just what’s happening in music and sports in general. There won’t be a consistent formula for   the podcast—some will be more sports heavy, others more music heavy. Some will explore an area where the two interact—and inevitably, some won’t.

The first episode, however, did. I had Tim Culverhouse on, who is a good friend  of mine and is a lot of fun to talk sports with. We took a look at the NHL playoffs before talking a little bit about NHL goal songs, which was definitely a fun conversation. We  also touched on the  NBA conference finals and did a little bit of baseball talk as well.

Check out the podcast at the top or bottom of this blog to hear a clip from that podcast, where we talk more about Phil Kessel’s reputation vs his reality, a conversation I started on Monday. 

The full debut episode will go live on Friday, and you can expect a new episode every Friday going forward, at least for the time being. Follow along on SoundCloud and here for the time being, and we’ll hopefully be on iTunes and other podcast homes soon.

Thanks for tuning into the Chin Music Podcast, enjoy the show.

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